Трансляционная биомедицина

  • ISSN: 2172-0479
  • Индекс Хирша журнала: 16
  • Оценка цитируемости журнала: 5.91
  • Импакт-фактор журнала: 3.66
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Clinical Application of Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition Markers: Novel Insights from Proteomics

Ana Lisica

Clinical markers may be derived from our improving understanding of the molecular processes underpinning the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Despite the fact that EMT drivers have not yet become viable candidate markers in the clinical context, they may become more sensitive and specific if they are associated with other recognised clinical markers. Mass spectrometrybased platforms enable the analysis of numerous samples for the expression of EMT candidate indicators, which may aid in the accurate diagnosis of disorders or the efficient monitoring of treatment. This review emphasises proteomic methods used to clarify the distinctions between mesenchymal and epithelial cancers and explains how they might be utilised to target discovery and validation. The existence of metastatic cells in distant organs is a serious worry in the treatment of tumour patients. Human malignancies frequently exhibit activation of the epithelial-tomesenchymal transition (EMT) pathway, which is closely correlated with tumour development and resistance to traditional chemotherapeutic medicines and targeted therapies. This model suggests morphological alterations in the apicalbasal organisation of epithelial cells and their acquisition of a fibroblast-like form. It also suggests basic changes at various genetic and epigenetic levels that can start and maintain the process

Keywords: Epigenetic; Epithelial cells; Spectrometry

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