Архив медицины

  • ISSN: 1989-5216
  • Индекс Хирша журнала: 22
  • Оценка цитируемости журнала: 4.96
  • Импакт-фактор журнала: 4.44
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  • Журнал GenamicsSeek
  • Китайская национальная инфраструктура знаний (CNKI)
  • Справочник индексации исследовательских журналов (DRJI)
  • OCLC- WorldCat
  • Вызов запроса
  • Паблоны
  • Женевский фонд медицинского образования и исследований
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Critical Care Medicine: Enhancing Patient Outcomes through Advanced Therapies and Holistic Approaches

Sofia Scarlett

The pivotal role of critical care medicine in improving patient outcomes through the integration of advanced therapies and holistic approaches. It underscores the importance of a comprehensive approach that addresses not only the physiological aspects of illness but also considers the patient's psychological, emotional and social well-being. By combining cutting-edge medical interventions with compassionate care, critical care practitioners strive to optimize recovery and enhance the quality of life for patients facing life-threatening conditions.