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Developing Model of Sharia-Based Fisheries Management (SBFM)

Yudi Wahyudin* and Mahipal

Sustainable fisheries management emphasizes social, economic and ecological balance. Social, economic and ecological sustainability based on a sharia economic approach is expected to become a management approach and pillar so that it can continue to provide optimal, integrated and sustainable benefits. One effort to introduce a sharia economic approach in fisheries management is by introducing Zakat-Infaq-Sadaqah (ZIS) into the sustainable fisheries management model. Initial model development was carried out by introducing ZIS parameters into the Gordon-Schaefer fisheries bioeconomic model. The size of the ZIS can provide a stimulus for the creation of sustainable fisheries management. Fishing gear coefficient (q), environmental carrying capacity (K), natural biomass growth of fish (r), price (p) and cost per unit of catch (c) are closely related to how Allah SWT gives grace, bounty and fortune to His servants (fisherman). Sustainable fisheries management based on sharia economics is expected to change the paradigm and perspective of the community (fisherman) in carrying out fishing efforts by always hoping for blessings and gifts from Allah SWT as well as carrying out zakat-infaq-shadaqah optimally and sustainably.