Журнал неврологии и неврологии

  • ISSN: 2171-6625
  • Индекс Хирша журнала: 17
  • Оценка цитируемости журнала: 4.43
  • Импакт-фактор журнала: 3.38
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  • Журнал GenamicsSeek
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  • Китайская национальная инфраструктура знаний (CNKI)
  • Справочник индексации исследовательских журналов (DRJI)
  • OCLC- WorldCat
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  • Импакт-фактор научного журнала (SJIF)
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Golden Ratio Information for Neural Spike Code

Bo Deng

Spike bursting is a ubiquitous feature of all neuronal systems. Assuming the spiking states form an alphabet for a communication system, what is the optimal information precessing rate? And what is the channel capacity? Here we demonstrate that the quaternary alphabet of spike number code gives the maximal processing rate, and that a binary source in Golden Ratio distribution gives rise to the channel capacity. A multi-time scaled neural circuit is shown to satisfy the hypotheses of this neural communication system.